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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Women's Beach Handball Records Championship

  Mr. Mithan       Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Women's Beach Handball History, Records, Championship

Beach handball is a sport played by women only. It is a hybrid game combining elements of basketball, volleyball and tennis. The game is played on a beach with a hand-held ball and a rackets; the number of players and the duration of the game are dependent on the variant. The objective of the game is to score goals while defending yours. Women who play beach handball have to be good at endurance, agility, hand–eye coordination, physical strength and mental strength.


Female players in this sport wear a bathing suit, cap and hand guards. They also use a racket to strike a ball against the wall to score goals. The court for this sport is similar to that used for volleyball. However, the goal for beach handball is higher than that for volleyball. The equipment required for this sport includes two rackets, two balls and four caps. In addition, players also wear shoes to protect their feet from the sand on the beach.

The players in this sport tend to have a high sense of teamwork and loyalty. They help each other improve their playing skills by sharing training tips and experiences. In addition, they provide moral support to each other during games and competitions. This support helps players with emotional issues such as stress or anxiety that they experience while playing this sport.

Beach handball is played in various countries around the world; however, it is most popular in Europe and Asia. The sport's name comes from the fact that most games are played on beaches. The first female international competition took place in 1957 at Weston-super-Mare in the United Kingdom. The competition was between England, France and Germany, with England winning. There are currently over 100 national associations all around the world with over 20 million female players worldwide.

Beach handball has proven itself as a viable women's sport over many years. Female athletes find it challenging but fun thanks to its unique features such as physical capes and hand guards and unique rules such as limited substitution periods. It's an exciting women's sport that will only grow in popularity as it becomes better understood by female athletes and fans alike!


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